Practicing Optimism for an Optimal State of Mind
Life can be seen with realism, optimism or pessimism. Research shows that most people, have a tendency to be either upbeat or pessimistic. Research also shows that optimism is linked to better performance, less stress, better health and longevity.

The Self Destruction of Judgement
We tend to judge ourselves and judge ourselves badly. In our inner dialogue, this voice that speaks to us sometimes says: "I am worthless, I am incapable, I’m not as good as others, etc." More times than not, negative judgments are what occur. These dialogues with ourselves are very harmful, because if we have an inner voice, we also have an inner ear. We are both transmitters and receivers, which amplifies the influence of these thoughts. These judgments are therefore heard by ourselves, which helps to anchor these negative beliefs even more. And what is extremely toxic is self-judgment. When I say to myself "I'm worthless", I put myself in prison and am not coming out. This label I stick on myself is very difficult to get rid of.
Building Your Strength from Critics
If you are looking to achieve some personal evolvement and improvement, you must come to to terms with the fact that constructive criticism is a good thing. Nobody enjoys being criticized, often times it makes us feel bad. But in order to progress in our personal and professional lives, we must learn to accept it.

A Better Healing Process
Breakups, getting fired, financial worries, legal troubles … the possibilities of what can go wrong and interrupt our peace and joy are endless.

Quotes on Giving
"No one has ever become poor by giving." ~ Anne Frank

Seeking Long Term Happiness
What is the key to ultimate happiness? An accomplished career? Finding your soulmate? Being spiritually sound? Many people claim to have found the key and are willing to share it with the rest of the world (for a hefty price tag sometimes!), but what happens when you try this “solution” and it doesn’t work? Are you doomed to an unfulfilling life void of the well-deserved joy every good person should be entitled to?

Kindness vs. naivete
Kindness is a quality, amongst others such as humility, generosity, tolerance, etc. Unfortunately, society has lost so much of its moral bearings that this quality is considered today, if not as a defect, at least as a weakness. It is therefore perceived, at best as naivety, and at worst as silliness. In the eyes of many people, it has even become abnormal, if not suspicious, to be kind. This reflects the "hardening" that has occurred in human relationships over the past few decades.
When "Wrong" is all in Your Head
We are all born with the gift of purity—no predisposed opinions or biases to stop us from coming into this world as a completely clean slate. Unfortunately this precious birthright is snatched away from all of us not long after our lives start to progress as we are exposed to many different types of people and experiences. Our minds are quickly molded into something closely resembling the environment around us and often times we act not out of our own free will, but in learnt behaviors that respond to societal norms and expectations.

Why Are You Arguing with the World?
Seems that everywhere we look, there is nothing but arguing going on. Take one look at social media, at the news, in your email inbox...full of arguments, from politics to work to personal matters. There’s nothing wrong with sharing your opinion and having a healthy debate here and there, but when you start to argue more often than not…....it’s time to ask yourself what’s going on.